Pricing Plan

2:1 튜터링

  • Class you can take with a friend, where two people are assigned to one tutor, making the LingoBox experience more affordable.
  • After taking the level test, you'll be automatically matched with students of similar levels and personalized lessons together.
  • 30mins/1hrs plan
  • 1/3/6/12 months plan

1:1 튜터링

  • One-on-one online classes with professionally trained tutors from top universities.
  • After the level test, you'll receive customized lessons based on your level.
  • When you apply, please include your request and we'll automatically match you with a native tutor who meets your needs.
  • 30mins/1hrs plan
  • 1/3/6/12 months plan

1:1 Writing

  • One-on-one online class with a native tutor, and focusing on writing unlike other classes.
  • After the level test, you'll receive personalized lessons.
  • Provide professional writing editing for school assignments, presentations, reports, and more upon request.
  • 30mins/1hrs plan
  • 1/3/6/12 months plan

(주) 링고박스 | 265-86-02652 | 010-9613-9113

| 경기도 성남시 분당구 판교로 289번길 20, 3동 1층 | Erik Livingston

이용약관 및 환불규정
